KIIT University to host Tenth PHONOCON 2014 conference

Dr. Nupur Kapoor Nerurkar, Bombay Hospital, Mumbai, President, APSI,

ENARADA, Bhubaneshwar, February 13, 2014:

Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), a constituent of KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, in association with AOI Odisha State Branch is organizing the 10th PHONOCON 2014, the annual conference of The Association of Phonosurgeons of India (APSI) on February 14th, 15th &16th, 2014.

‘Phonosurgery’ is a surgical procedure performed with an aim to improve the voice. The conference aims to incorporate innovative new elements and technology in the field of phonosurgery and to provide lively and compelling educational experience to the surgeons working in the field.

From L to R: Dr. Nupur Kapoor Nerurkar,Laryngologist & Voice Surgeon, Bombay Hospital, Mumbai, President, APSI, Dr. K. K. Samantray, Secretary, APSI, Dr. Amitabha RoyChowdhury , Vice President, APSI,  Prof V. Phaniendra Kumar, Founder Chairman APSI, Prof. F. Castellanos, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham Laryngology Broncho-Essophagology, USA, Prof. R. N. Biswal, Organizing Chairperson, APSI, Dr. Katie Young, Clinical Lead Speech and Language therapist, UK, were present in the press meet held in Bhubaneshwar on February 13
From L to R: Dr. Nupur Kapoor Nerurkar,laryngologist & Voice Surgeon, Bombay Hospital, Mumbai, President, APSI, Dr. K. K. Samantray, Secretary, APSI, Dr. Amitabha RoyChowdhury , Vice President, APSI, Prof V. Phaniendra Kumar Valluri, Founder Chairman APSI, Prof. F. Castellanos, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham Laryngology Broncho-Essophagology, USA, Prof. R. N. Biswal, Organizing Chairperson, APSI, Dr. Katie Young, Clinical Lead Speech and Language therapist, UK, were present in the press meet held in Bhubaneshwar on February 13

During the conference, a Phonosurgery workshop will also be held. The surgical procedure will be telecast live for the surgeons and concern students outside OT. Talks titled ‘Reconstructive Tran-Oral Laser Microsurgery: Cancer Resection to Laryngopharyngeal Restoration’ and ‘Muscle tension dysphonia’ are among many lectures to be delivered during the conference.

The conference will be inaugurated in KIIT Convention Center, Bhubaneshwar on February 14, 2014, informed Prof. V. Phaniendrakumar, Founder & Chairman,APSI. “It is our responsibility to bloom the Phonocon flowers in the temple city, and a Conference of this magnitude will not be possible without the goodwill, tacit support and most importantly, Doctor’s participation. We would like our Doctor colleagues to share the joy in taking this event to the greatest heights in the history of Phonosurgery” said International Speakers and Indian speakers of the conference.


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