NASSCOM launches product council, with Ravi Gururaj at helm


Bangalore, May 13, 2013:

National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) today announced the launch of the product council 2013-15, with Ravi Gururaj, Charman & Co-Founder, Frictionless Ventures, as its Chairman.

The council envisions establishing the Indian software  product ecosystem as a world class source of high value, innovative, next generation products which are enjoying robust  sales traction and are establishing category / IP leadership  in both domestic and international markets.

In March 2013, the report of the NASSCOM Expert Committee  chaired by N R Narayana Murthy identified the products segment  as a key propeller to achieve the vision of an innovative  industry that can achieve global recognition.

The council will focus on a “six pillar engagement” to enhance branding, market access, benchmarking, corporate  connect, product design and enablement of product solutions in India.

“The product sector in India is at an exciting  inflection point as our country seeks to replicate the global  leadership position we have attained in the services sector in  the emerging high growth products and IP segment”, Gururaj said.

NASSCOM also announced a partnership with Frost &  Sullivan to build a “Product Excellence Framework” that will  benchmark Indian software products across defined categories.

“This will enable access to market insights, competitive  positioning and case studies that can be shared with customers  for adoption of Indian software products”, it said.


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