Political class is waging a war against the citizen’s fundamental rights


enarada news and webcast

ENARADA, Bangalore,13 August, 2013:

India Against Corruption (IAC)  has strongly criticised all the political parties which are trying to keep themselves out of the ambit of RTI.

Their press release said “By doing this, political class is waging a war against the citizen’s fundamental rights”.

“Unanimously, IAC senate announces that such a move will not be tolerated by the people of this country and we will come out with an aggressive strategy to counter such moves of the political class, very soon. IAC salutes those 43 parliamentarians who carry the views of the people of their constituencies and not merely follow the party whip. During last few days they have expressed that they are against any such amendments in RTI act. Our parliament needs such great people’s representatives” IAC said.

IAC applauded Communist Party of India (CPI) and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for promising the people of this country to keep political parties under the ambit of RTI.


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