MP Achyuta Samanta from India joins the International Parliamentarian Group for Creation of UNPA


e-Narada , Bengaluru, Sunday, March 10, 2019

Achyuta Samanta, Member, Rajya Sabha, joined the international group of Parliamentarians calling for the creation of UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA), to strengthen the democratic representation of the world’s citizens in global affairs and the UN’s decision-making.

The International Parliamentarian Group invited MPs from across the world, who were democratically elected, to join the group for creation of UNPA in order to strengthen and coordinate efforts in that direction.

33 MPs from 20 countries, including Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Ghana, South Africa, Argentina, Scotland, Greece, etc. are members of the group.

Members of this international group of parliamentarians has urged the UN Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly, the heads of states and governments and their foreign ministers as well as the representatives of UN member states in New York to initiate and support necessary steps in preparation of a meaningful UN reform summit in 2020 and towards the creation of a UNPA.

The group has warned the UN of the growing threat to the multilateral order and democracy and businesses of the UN as usual and that the lofty rhetorics are insufficient to counter this threat.

The group is of the opinion that not much has been done to prepare the UN for this challenge and that it is time to end complacency and complaint. ‘A new courageous leadership is needed,’ the group said in a common statement.

The international campaign for UNPA was launched 11 years ago under the leadership of the campaign’s patron, the late former UN Secretary-General, Boutros-Ghali. ‘We need to promote the democratization of globalization before globalization destroys the foundations of democracy,’ asserts Boutros-Ghali.

A panel of eminent persons on UN-civil society relations had warned almost 15 years ago that the UN must do more to strengthen global governance and tackle democratic deficits. The panel had stressed that more systematic engagement of parliamentarians, national parliaments, and local authorities in the UN would strengthen global governance, confront democratic deficits in intergovernmental affairs, buttress representational democracy and connect the UN better with a global opinion as the current arrangements are not adequate.

Achyuta Samanta, Member of Parliament from India finds place in
The International Parliamentarian Group. Pic by

Achyuta Samanta is also the founder of educational institutions KIIT and KISS.


  1. We are so glad that, we are working in his creation. His membership is a lucreative for the entire world and particularly to our nation. We pray before almighty to give more strength for doing many new possibilities for the country as well as the World.


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