Karnataka Election Watch – Citizens’ Reporting and Mapping Tool (KEW CRAMAT)



Bangalore, April 14, 2013:

Karnataka Election Watch (KEW) today announced the launch of a smart phone app for citizens of Karnataka called KEW CRAMAT (Karnataka Election Watch -Citizens’ Reporting and Mapping Tool). This app can be installed free of cost on any android based smart phone by downloading it from Internet.

This the first time it is being used in India or perhaps anywhere in the world for elections.

By using this app citizen can send pictures and exact locations of any election related complaints or reports any where in the state like illegal posters, hoardings, liquor distribution, cash distribution, misuse of official vehicles etc. KEW will scrutinise and forward the complaints to Election observers and the Election Commission for further action. This data will not only help in keeping a watch on illegal ways of influencing voters but will also help in collecting evidence of actual electoral expenditure done by the candidates.


Voters have the option of either providing their email and mobile numbers or of sending their complaints without disclosing their identity. In either case, the identity will not be made public or forwarded to any authorities to protect voters. For those users who do share their identity, the system will give them feedback on progress of their complaint.

The application harnesses the power of technologies that are available in today’s smart phones like digital cameras, Global Positioning System, Google Maps and wireless Internet which have all been put together in this app.

Citizens can easily inform KEW about a problem with details including photos, accurate location on the maps and time in just a couple of clicks.


They can also select the category of complaint from eight different categories and can also type a brief description of the problem. The app then automatically uploads this data to KEW server via internet and the citizen gets an instant email and sms with a reference number. The application automatically keeps complainant informed via sms and email by sending updates when KEW forwards the complaint to election observers or other authorities.

The eight categories under which the complaints or reports can be filed are

 Media Advertising

Posters and Hoardings

Liquor or Drugs Distribution

Cash, Gifts or Coupons Distribution

Election Rally

Misuse of Official Vehicles

Non Deposit of Firearms


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