Adichunchanagiri seer Balagangadharanatha Swamiji is no more

Balagangadharanatha Swamiji

Bangalore, January 13,2013

The seer of Adichunchanagiri  (nagamangala Taluk in Mandya District) Balagangadharanatha Swamiji who was admitted to BGS Global hospital, kengeri yesterday with severe health problems breathed his last this evening.

The 68 year swamiji had established various educational institutions starting from Gurukula system to modern International syllabus.

He had  undertaken a challenging task of large scale planting of trees and established cow protection centers all over Karnataka and he was known for organisational skills. Though he was considered to be a pro-Vokkaliga (politically dominant caste) , people from all religion had a soft corner for him due to his contribution to the society.


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