Awards to DR Chidambaram and others


Mysore, March  21, 2013.

Dr. R. Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Advisor to the Govt. of India and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Cabinet was presented Bhramara Life time achievement  Award   instituted by Bhramara Trust of Y.T. & Madhuri Thathachari

The Prof. Y.T. Thathachari Prestigious Research Awards for Science, also instituted by Bhramara Trust, were presented to Prof. P.S. Anil Kumar from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Prof. Debabrata Goswami from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.



The awards, comprising Rs. one lakh cash, a citation and memento, were presented by Suttur Seer Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Swamiji  in a function held last night at Rani Bahadur Auditorium, Hunasur Road.

Dr. Chidambaram said in his acceptance speech that the scientists must contribute their mite to the progress of knowledge.he said that apart from many Indian scientists involved in the experiment, India had contributed 40 million dollars for the machine in which protons were made to collide in a specially constructed tunnel underground. “But the origin of the universe still remains a big question,” he said.

Regarding the restrictions on scientists’ works, A scientist must be given the freedom to carry out research works without posing hurdles, he added.

Bhramara Managing Trustee Madhuri Thathachari, the driving force behind the awards meant to bring to fore achievers in the field of science, said in her welcome speech that this might be the last in the series of annual awards presented in the name of Prof. Y.T. Thathachari.


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