BCIC hopes developing Industrial Zones across Karnataka will generate employment and decongest Bangalore

President of BCIC, Mr. H V Harish briefing media
President of BCIC, Mr. H V Harish briefing media
President of BCIC, Mr. H V Harish briefing media

ENARADA, Bangalore, June 20, 2014

In order to address the issues of Job creation, attracting investors and decongestion of Bangalore, Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC) has many suggestions to offer.

To create employment opportunities, Government should develop Sector-specific Industrial Zones along the proposed Mumbai- Bengaluru Corridor, and secondary corridors connecting other parts of the state.

It reduces inflow as people do not have to come to Bangalore in search of jobs and conducive atmosphere in their home town may prompt outsiders settled in Bangalore to return, according to BCIC.

Another novel suggestion from BCIC to decongest Bangalore is to create a new capital city in the middle of State!

“Bangalore is in chaotic situation. If Government shifts capital city to centre of the State, it will be beneficial for the people as well as Industries. Government has huge properties in Bangalore which can be sold to raise funds for creating a new capital city” said H.V.Harish, President of BCIC.

Addressing a press meet in Bangalore today, Mr.Harish disclosed details of two-day brainstorming economic summit “Abhivruddhi Karnataka” held recently by BCIC in association with Government of Karnataka.

“The theme of the Summit was not just economic growth but inclusive economic growth. BCIC has submitted copy of booklet listing out key recommendations in the areas of Governance, Urbanization, Infrastructure and Social Infrastructure, to members of Assembly/ Council and Members of Parliament from Karnataka for their consideration” said Harish.

Mr. Anuj Sharma of BCIC urged the Government to regulate industries in renewable energy sector as most of the industries have not started operations resulting in steep decrease in production.

“Only 2500MW of power was produced against the desired capacity of 11000 to 12000 MW, due to non-functioning of many units. Government should provide an opportunity for new industries if permitted industries fails to start within a time frame” Anuj Sharma said.

To encourage more investments into the state, BCIC has suggested Karnataka Government to follow in the footsteps of Rajasthan Government which cleared a cabinet proposal on Labour policy with several amendments to make it business and labour friendly.

BCIC is coming out with a Study on “Doing Business in Karnataka- Issues and Way Forward” in association with the Centre for Sustainable Development and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore as Knowledge partners.

BCIC is organising a Seminar on “Creating Engines for Karnataka Industrial Growth: Focus on Chennai- Bangalore- Mumbai Corridor and National Investment Manufacturing Zones” in Bangalore on June 27th during its 37th AGM.


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