ENARADA,Bangalore, February 5, 2014:
Republic of Estonia, a small country located in the heart of the Baltic Sea Region, which created SKYPE is keen on creating jobs in Bangalore by setting up industries and trade centre.
The trade relation interactive session held today at Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FKCCI) Bangalore witnessed an emotional bonding between India and Estonia.
Business Delegation headed by Mr. Martin Hirvoja – Member of the Management Board, Enterprise Estonia (EAS) and his team addressed the members of FKCCI and representatives from trade on promoting business relations with Estonia.
“We (Estonia) are small with 1.3 million population and you (India) are big with 1.3 billion People. We have a strong tendency to begin business relations with your country” said Mr. Hirvoja.
Apart from showing interest to invest in Bangalore and other cities of India, representatives from Estonia wholeheartedly invited Indian companies to explore the opportunity available in their country.
As 50% of Estonian land is covered by forests and 30% of Estonia’s population lives in the capital Tallinn, there are ample opportunities for business development. “Sales Tax exemption for 5 years and absolutely No income tax makes sensible to invest in Estonia” said a member from business delegation while replying to questions raised by representatives of Indian companies regarding Industrial policies prevailing in Estonia.
Estonian Minister of economic affairs and communications Mr. Juhan Parts, in his introductory speech said that his country wants to make a long term investment in India and at the same time expect huge investment from India into Estonia.