International “Mathematics of Complex Systems” in Bangalore


Bangalore, Feb 26:

EADS Corporate Foundation has entered into a partnership agreement with the Centre for Applicable Mathematics of TIFR (TIFR-CAM) and the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences of TIFR (ICTS-TIFR) to create an international teaching and research chair entitled “Mathematics of Complex Systems”.

The objectives of the Chair are: to develop innovative research involving theoretical and computational work in the general areas mathematics of complex systems including control theory, data assimilation, dynamical systems, optimal design problems, inverse problems, stochastic analysis and numerical methods; to strengthen the existing training programme for Masters and Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows, to provide robust foundation in these topics; to build a sustainable research group within CAM and ICTS, TIFR and to establish strong national and international collaborations, in order to develop mathematical ideas and techniques to deal with challenges of the modern world.

The agreement signing ceremony will take place at the Centre for Applicable Mathematics here on March one. Professor Mustansir Barma, Director, TIFR, will sign on behalf of TIFR and Dr Yann Barbaux will sign on behalf of EADS.

Prof. Roddam Narasimha of JNCASR (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research) will deliver a keynote talk titled ‘There is nothing more practical than a good theory’ to commemorate the occasion.

TIFR is engaged in research in frontier areas of the basic sciences, it was noted. TIFR has three centres in Bangalore: Centre for Applicable Mathematics (CAM), National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), and International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS).

ICTS’ aim is to foster excellence in the basic sciences by pursuing research in interdisciplinary areas, through its programmes, interactions and cross-fertilisation between disciplines and to be a node for scientific information and values.

The objectives of TIFR-CAM are to pursue high quality research in the various areas of applicable mathematics, to pro-actively interact with potential users of mathematics, and to provide education and training at various levels.

The EADS Corporate Foundation aims to develop ties between public and private research and invests in scientific projects of excellence. It also pursues corporate patronage activities, asserting its societal and ethical commitment in the scientific field.

Since its creation, the EADS Corporate Foundation has supported over 120 scientific and technological research projects and has established 11 teaching and research chairs.





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