KIIT University gets ‘A’ Grade from MHRD


kiit, bhubaneshwar, odisha

ENARADA, Bhubaneswar: March 7, 2014:

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India has placed KIIT University in the list of Category ‘A’ Deemed Universities on the basis of high-level Tandon Committee recommendations. KIIT University was conferred the coveted Category ‘A’ tag among all Government and self-financing Deemed Universities of the country by MHRD.

KIIT had a modest beginning in 1992 as an Industrial Training Institute (ITI) functioning from a rented building. However, 1997 is taken as its base year when B. Tech., MCA and MBA courses were started. Within only five years of its inception, in 2002, Founder of KIIT, Achyuta Samanta applied to Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India and UGC for recognition of the institute as a Deemed University. In 2004, KIIT was declared as a Deemed University – an apt recognition of its excellence – under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956. It, thus, became the youngest institution to be declared Deemed University, creating much sensation among the academic community in the country.

Ministry of MHRD constituted a high-level committee – Tandon Committee – in 2009 to review all the Deemed Universities, Government as well as self-financing, on the basis of nine parameters, such as infrastructure, teaching quality, management system, admission, research and publication, etc. After a rigorous assessment process, Tandon Committee categorized a total of 126 Deemed Universities into ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ categories. At that time, KIIT University, along with 43 others including many reputed and old Deemed Universities, was placed in Category ‘B’. It was a commendable achievement considering the fact that KIIT was still in its institutional infancy, being only in fifth year of its existence. Further, the Committee gave Category ‘B’ Deemed Universities three to four years’ time to improve their standing.

KIIT took urgent steps to strengthen research, publication, projects, academic quality, etc., which would enable it to join the league of top universities of the country. In 2013, a high-level team from KIIT University made a presentation before the Tandon Committee. After a thorough and stringent assessment on various quality parameters, the Committee was pleased to upgrade KIIT University to Category ‘A’ status in its recommendations. Till date only some of Category ‘B’ Deemed Universities, both Government and self-financing, have been upgraded to Category ‘A’, KIIT being one among them. On the basis of the Committee’s recommendation, Ministry of HRD published a notification, No. 9-26/2009-U3 (A)(Vol.5), to this effect on 4th March 2014.

Elevation of KIIT University’s status among the country’s top Deemed to be Universities has resulted in a wave of happiness among various stakeholders of KIIT, its students, well-wishers and intellectuals in general. KIIT has secured its place as a stable and reputed institution for all time to come.


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