Rajnath Singh appeals corporate sector to promote sports through CSR

Home Minister, Rajnath Singh

ENARADA, Bengaluru, April 2, 2015

Home Minister, Rajnath Singh
Home Minister, Rajnath Singh

Financial support from Corporate sector in the field of sports would help India to achieve ‘Sporting Super Power’ status, opined Rajnath Singh, Union Home minster.

Rajnath Singh was addressing the gathering after inaugurating the renovated ‘Rani Kittur Chennamma Stadium’ in Jayanagara, today.

“The economical super power India is emerging as ‘Sporting super power’ too in the 21st Century and tasting success in international sports by winning medals like Japan, Sourth Korea and China. Corporate sector should come forward to expand sporting infrastructure in the country and fund sporting projects through Corporate Social Responsibility,” said Rajnath Singh.


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