Rural Bank federation wants Grameena Bank Pay structure to be equivalent to that of Nationalised Banks

To compete with Ntionalised Banks, Vishwanath suggests merging of Rural Banks with National Grameena Bank

ENARADA, Mysore , Aug 4,2013:

Former Minister and MP, A H Viswhanth today demanded the National Grameena Bank to merge all the Grameena banks across the country.

Speaking at the 9th annual conference of all Karnataka grameena bank employees’ federation here he said merging will strengthen the rural banking system which is the need of the hour.

He recalled Indira Gandhi ‘s decision to nationalized banks in 1970s which has given boost to country’s economy despite recession. He assured that the congress government will provide all necessary help to the grameena banks.

Somasuundra shastry, chairman of the cauvery grameena bank said that the grameena banks was not lagging behind and it has been extending services of all kinds on part with the national banks. He demanded that bringing an amendment to the existing rules and regulations will help the sector.

Pension benefits, unification of the all rural banks and pay structures on par with the national banks are some of the resolutions passed.

Due to Lok Sabha Bye-election code of conduct, CM and his cabinet collogues stayed away from the function.


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