ENARADA, Bengaluru, Febraury 15, 2016
By Guruprasad
It turned out to be second ‘lucky’ Sunday for Bengalureans as a major disaster was averted due to a holiday. On February 7, a leopard had entered a school and kept the entire city on tenterhooks for 10 hours. And as mentioned it was a Sunday and the damage was minimal.
On February 14, a fifth floor building was gutted in Rajajinagar and luckily no one was hurt as the building was closed. The fire which broke out on the top most floor was home to a dance school where around 100 students practiced dancing during week days.
The fire which was first spotted on Sunday afternoon had sent shockwaves to the neighbourhood buildings as they feared that it would spread quickly.
As they were desperately waiting for the fire personnel to turn up, they were pleasantly surprised when bike-borne fire men turned up and extinguished the fire. For those, who were used to watching the ‘antique’ fire vans, bike force was a pleasant surprise. The bikers can definitely do wonders in Bengaluru (after bike ambulance) as they can easily reach nook and corner of the city in case of an emergency.

Photo by www.enarada.com