The first Bank Strike since NDA-II took over, affecting public all over the country


ENARADA, Mysore, November 12, 2014
Demanding immediate fair revision in Pay Scales and opposing the proposed reforms in the banking sector, employees of Public sector , Private and foreign banks across India observing  a day’s strike, today.

Bank strike 12-11-2014
Employees of State Bank of Mysore, participates in a strike today in front of their bank in Mysuru, today. Photo by ENARADA.COM


As the day’s strike crippled banking operations, people across the country faces severe problem in depositing cheques or withdrawing cash. Many ATM’s in Bengaluru are not working and people who depended on transferring the amount through RTGS, are badly affected.

This is the first strike by Banking sector after Narendra Modi becoming Prime Minister. The earlier strike was on two days from February 10 to 11, this year.


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