Voting awareness by Industrialists


enaradaMysore, April 22, 2013:

A meeting of city’s industrialists, aimed at spreading voting awareness among the industrial workers, was held at a private hotel in city under the aegis of Mysore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI).

The objective of the meeting was to make the industrialists motivate the workers in their respective industrial units about the importance of right to vote and the need to exercise their franchise without fail.

MCCI President Sudhakar S. Shetty, delivering the inaugural address, said that voters  from the industrial sector are in large numbers across the country. “It is very important that all of them vote. If not, there will be lot of corruption,” he said and recalled that in Australia, voting was made compulsory since 1924. “But in a multi-cultural democracy like India, voting cannot be made compulsory. However, we must voluntarily realize the importance of voting and do so without fail,” he said and added, “It is a social obligation through which we can question the politicians”.

He called upon the industrialists to advise their workers not to while away the holiday on the day of election but to use it rightly by casting their votes.

District Industries Centre (DIC) Joint Director M. Shivashankar, speaking on the occasion, said that a preliminary meeting in this regard was held on Apr. 4 and final round of meeting will be held on Apr. 31.

On the May Day, a jatha of industrialists and industrial workers from Mysore and Nanjangud will be held during which awareness about voting will be spread.

Workers from industrial areas of Hebbal, KIADB, Yadavagiri and Nanjangud will participate in the jatha.

Zilla Panchayat in-charge CEO Vasundhara Devi, addressing the industrialists, opined that the industrial workers were a neglected lot and they need to be motivated to exercise their franchise.

More then 300 industrialists  attended the meeting .


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