When Venkaiah Naidu said no to a special suite?


eNarada, Bengaluru December 9, 2016

Venkaiah Naidu in Bengaluru on Dec 9, 2016. eNarada Pic

Union Minister for Urban Development Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu surprised Karnataka government officials when he said no to a suite booked for him at Hotel Lalit Ashok in Bengaluru!

For a minute, the state government officials were kept wondering as to why was Mr Naidu, who was specially invited to inaugurate the National Public Communicators Workshop, was backtracking from entering a suite specially booked for him.

They were wondering whether he was upset over the suite allotment or wanted a better one! However, the officials were in for more surprise when Naidu stumped them saying that he would prefer to take an ordinary room instead of a suite. As the officials were clearly at loss of words, Naidu said as he was in Bengaluru for only a couple of hours, he did not wanted an expensive room and hence would settle for an ordinary room. This cleared the air for officials who appreciated Naidu for his simplicity.


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