Now, go for freshwater pearl in your backyard

Fresh water pearl cultivation. eNarada Photo

eNarada, Bengaluru, August 20, 2016

Cultured pearls have literally overtaken the natural pearls. In fact, most of the pearls used today are cultured pearls while those from nature account less than 1/1000th of a per cent of pearls available in the market.

Now, it is your chance to go for a pearl farm in your neighborhood.

Freshwater pearl production can be started in land area as small as 50 square metres, few thousand litres of water, lesser investment and almost-no-labour. It can be integrated with table/ornamental fish culture in existing/new water bodies of manageable size. It is better to be started on a small scale, without affecting the regular occupation.

Utilising their established demonstration unit, the Inland Fisheries Unit (Main Research Station), University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bengaluru-24 conducts a regular four-day hands-on training programme to impart both knowledge and skill on freshwater pearl production.

Fresh water pearl cultivation. eNarada Photo
Fresh water pearl cultivation. eNarada Photo

The programme will be held in batches consisting of 12 members each, on first-come-first-served basis. The training fee is Rs 8,000 (inclusive of food and dormitory accommodation). Interested candidates can contact Professor Dr.B.V. Krishnamurthy on 080-23515644 or 09448377863 between 10 am-4 pm, according to a release.


  1. Dear sir
    We are a small scale farmer as well as small industrial enterprenuer. Based city Gurgaon. State Haryana.
    We are interested to get training for fress water PEARL CULTIVATION, to start and provide training to the community people for their betterment
    Please provide further informations of trainung.
    Also provide the other training centers List statewise.

    Manik Sharma
    M. Whatsapp 8920896812

    • Dear Manik Sharma ji

      Thanks for your response.
      For more details on pearl culture, Please contact: Dr.B.V.Krishnamurthy, Professor of fisheries, UAS, Hebbal Bengaluru. His mobile number is 9448377863.

      Thanks and warm regards
      Team eNarada

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