Screaming woman causes neighbours and police panic


ENARADA, Bengaluru, November 12, 2014

A home alone woman started screaming at the top of her voice, created a scene for almost 45 minutes in Koramangala today.

A woman aged about 48 years from high society, started screaming loudly at around 7:40pm at her residence in 1st Cross, 8th ‘A’ Main, 4th Block Koramangala.

Surprised to hear such a noise, neighbours tried hard to reach her but the house was locked from inside.  Immediately, they informed the police and policemen arrived there promptly.

Police were hesitant to enter the house after seeing the ‘Beware of Dog’ sign board fixed to the gate. As the neighbours informed that dog was tied at the backyard, Police reached the main door.

Police trying to rescue a woman in Koramangala on 12-11-2014
Police and Neighbours seen trying to rescue the woman who has locked her home and screaming loudly, in Koramangala. Photo by ENARADA.COM


Repeated attempts to reach her by pressing the calling bell did not yield any results as she was settled down in first floor and her scream was louder than the music originated from calling bell. Police were puzzled to solve the matter as the door was locked and almost all the windows were closed.

Helpful neighbours voluntarily took the police to their balconies to allow view of the first floor  of her house but police could not get any clue about what was happening.

Neighbours mentioned to the police that  they were hearing the screaming for the first time. They also informed that she was divorcee and did not have stable mind.

After about  some time the screaming stopped and police were discussing about themselves about the tasks needed including breaking of the door, to reach her.

Police were relieved when another neighbour  who was repeatedly calling her, got a reply from her saying  it was her maid making loud noise after presuming that someone was peeping her while taking bath. But neighbours opined that her maid will not be present at that time and that lady may be giving some excuse to divert the issue.

Police went back asking the neighbours to report it to them if there is any abnormal event takes place again.


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