B.PAC announces launch of B.PAC Civic Leadership Incubator Programme (B.CLIP)


ENARADA, Bangalore, September 20, 2013:

Bangalore Political Action Committee (B.PAC), a citizen’s group that works towards better governance in Bangalore, today announced the launch of B.CLIP –B.PAC Civic Leadership Incubator Programme.

B.CLIP seeks to encourage passionate and concerned citizens to enter public service with a view to create a new cadre of civic leaders who will successfully drive and scale civic initiatives at the grass roots and create transformative change in our communities through good governance.

By equipping candidates of this program with skills in public policy analysis, municipal administration, educating them on the political landscape and election campaign dynamics, B.PAC will train, develop and prepare the participants to be ready to engage in the political process leading up to the 2015 BBMP elections.

“B.CLIP aims to revive the vision of politics as a means to public service. We believe B.CLIP is the first such initiative in India and one that is much needed at this time. We have extremely talented people in our city who can contribute immensely to its betterment and good governance through their unique skillsets. The idea is to tap into this talent and provide a platform to nurture and channelize this further,” said Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Managing Trustee & President, B.PAC.

“B.CLIP is an important step towards supporting our ambitious mission to transform urban and municipal governance,” says Mohandas Pai, Vice President, B.PAC. “It is essential that we expand the pool of people who enter politics and bring in citizens from diverse backgrounds to participate and take charge of our governance. It is time ordinary citizens move away from being mere spectators to being active participants.”

B.PAC is currently inviting applications and is in the process of screening and selecting candidates.

The program comprises 2 Phases:

Phase 1:  Involves three months’ part-time training through a customized curriculum designed by the Takshashila Institution, Knowledge Partner for B.CLIP.

Phase 2: Involves on-field work at the ward level for a period of six months. This is aimed at providing candidates with an opportunity to engage on civic issues that are of pressing concern.

Through this initiative, B.PAC aims to inspire, equip and mobilize talented citizens who wish to improve the governance of the city by participating in the political process.


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