To protect forest, Save Adivasis first- NAA


NAA press meet in Banalore, Oct 13, 2014

ENARADA, Bangalore, October 13, 2014

As Adivasis (Primitive Tribals) can protect forest better for future generations than forest department, guarding Adivasi communities is the easiest way to save forest, said the National Adivasi Alliance(NAA), today, in a press meet held at Bangalore.

Ignoring the fact that forest and Adivasis co-exists, Government is continuously displacing  Adivasis in the name of ‘Development’, and  making way for deforestation, opined NAA.

“When we  present the problems faced by primitive Adivasis in karnataka, Government promises to look into the issue, but eventually forgets everything and we have to work again from scratch to fight for the rights of Adiviasis,” said Srikanth, State Convenor, Girijana Kriyakoota, Karnataka.

NAA said, the present Chief Minister Siddaramaiah will never let them down, as he is from the region where primitive Adivasis are in more in number and he is committed to the welfare of downtrodden people.

“4.5 Lakh primitive Adivasis living in 1500 Hamlets from 9 districts of Karnataka, are expecting a helping hand from the Government,” said V.S.Roy David, Director, Coorg Organisation for Rural Development (CORD).

While demanding rehabilitation for over 2000 displaced Adivasi families working in coffee plantations in Chikmagalur and Kodagu districts, Adivasi welfare activist from Chikmagalur ,K.N.Vittal, urged the Government to stop unauthorised selling of liquor in Adivasi hamlets.

J.P.Raju, another activist from Kodagu appealed, “Offer suitable employment to Adivasi youths in any departments of  Government, preferably in  Forest, Health and Police Departments.”

NAA has decided not to take rest until it gets justice from the ear less bureaucrats and heartless Politicians, said members in unison.


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