Bad luck


Volvo Bus checking 3-11-2014
BMTC squad imposing fine on Volvo bus conductor for failing to issue ticket for luggages, while the conductor is seen discussing with the driver to find a way to avoid the situation. Photo by

ENARADA, Bengaluru, November 3, 2014

A volvo bus conductor who delayed issuing ticket by few seconds was fined Rs.450/- today.  The bus bearing registration number KA01 FA 2107 Route No.356M, was going to KBS or Majestic Bus stand from Anekal.

Bus was almost empty and worried conductor was desperately looking out for passengers. When the bus reached Chandapura circle at 10:45am, a man with 10 numbers Carton Boxes packed with fruits, approached the conductor to transport his luggage. Conductor readily agreed and even helped him to load the luggage into the bus.

Conductor made a mistake. He collected the money from that man and did not issue ticket for luggage. After few minutes, he changed his mind and decided to issue the tickets. But he was too late.

Checking squad from BMTC entered the Bus and snatched trip sheet from the conductor. Squad found few other minor irregularities  and another person from the squad joined them to decide about the amount to be penalised.

Request and excuses from the conductor did not save him from paying a penalty, but it reminded him how the bad luck can strike.


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