Pramod Mutalik blames both BJP and Congress for increase in terror activities in Karnataka


ENARADA, Hubballi, January 9, 2015

The Karnataka is witnessing more terrorist acts as both BJP and Congress neglected in implementing Jagannath Shetty committee report, opined Sri Ram Sene.

Addressing journalists in Hubballi today, Sri Ram Sena chief Mutalik said the terrorist activities in the state can be curtailed  by implementing preventive measures recommended by Judicial Commission report.

“As the state government failed to implement the judicial commission report on the activities of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence’s (ISI) in Bhatkal town, the terrorist activities are increasing in Karnataka,” Mutalik said.

Mutalik further added that BJP demanded for implementing the report  recommended by judicial commission, headed by a former High Court judge Kedambadi Jagannath Shetty, when Congress was in power. But BJP totally ignored the report when it came to power.

Sri Ram Sena will take out an awareness campaign from Bhatkal to Bengaluru and urge the Government to implement the recommendations including forming a specialised unit to gather intelligence, Mutalik added.

Pramod Mutalik, Sriram Sena chief addressing press in Hubballi o
Pramod Mutalik, Chief of Sri Ram Sene addresses press meet in Hubballi today, urging the Government to take steps to prevent terrorist activities in the state. Photo: KIRAN BAKALE


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