Cine actor Raghavendra Rajkumar says Achyuta Samanta has opened his eyes


ENARADA, Bengaluru, May 17, 2015

Cine actor Raghavendra Rajkumar said that we all have to learn the art of giving from lord Hanuman because he has been the biggest giver of all time.

Speaking as the guest of honour at the 2nd anniversary celebration of “Art of Giving”  organised at Sheshadripuram College Campus in Bengaluru he said  that  there is a great need to put into action whatever we talk.

“I suffered from paralysis stroke two years back.  But I feel in reality it was my mind which was paralysed until now and not my body.  In a way I feel the ailment has been an eye opener to me because now   mind is cured of paralysis.   Now I am able to think positively and want to do something for the society.   If not for the paralysis I suffered, I would have watched Samantha Fox instead of watching the video of Achyutha Samantha who is a educational social entrepreneur”,  Raghavendra stated.

Raghavendra Rajkumar

Raghaverndra, who said that he has adopted a daughter amidst loud cheers from the assembled crowd, pointed out that   he wants to do something concrete in his lifetime for the benefit of the society.

“I entered into the cinema field at the age of 25 and now when I am completing 50, I feel my life has been a waste because I have done nothing all these years and I have a feeling of emptiness within me.   But I will live for another 50 years and will work to dedicate my life to give something for the society.  It is not enough if we merely talk and don’t follow it with actions. Dr Achyutha Samantha of KISS and KIIT   is providing education to thousands of tribal children and his work   is an eye opener to all of us.  Let us join hands and work together for the betterment of the society” Raghavendra declared.   He said that he wants some guidance on how to execute   his thoughts in this regard. “Now I am doing a course on ‘how to execute your feelings’ so that whatever thoughts I  have are transformed into effective action”, Raghavendra stated.

He also said that his father was a great giver in his own way and he has learnt valuable lessons of life from his father.  Raghavendra vowed to dedicate his life  for the betterment of the deprived sections before ending his speech with the famous Kannada film song of his father  ‘Aadisi Nodu Beelisi Nodu Uruli Hogadu”, which he said conveys  a message about the philosophy of life.

In his keynote address P Balachandra Warrier CEO of Manipal Foundation,   termed the art of giving is a divine act.  “Though giving is easy one must have the mindset to give  anything gracefully. When we learn to give from the heart  it brings with it  an extraordinary feeling of joy and contentment.  During my generation in the 40’s the idea was not to give because of scarcity.  But for the present generation the art of giving is embedded in their mind  at a young age”.      He further added “before giving one must ask the three w’s namely why, what and who and go ahead only when he/she is satisfied with the answers.   The art of giving should be a spontaneous act and it should bring joy both to the giver and the taker”.

DGP Sri Susanth Mahapatra, IPS  in his address highlighted that education alone can bring about qualitative change and quantum jump in the living conditions of all kind of people.   Appreciating the work done by Dr Achyutha Samantha Dr Mahapatra pointed out “Dr Achyutha has taken the challenge of bringing about a revolutionary transformation and has succeeded in his mission.  A revolution becomes a reality when thousands of people from the civil society join hands together to strive for a transformation”.    He further added that the work begun by Dr Achyutha has become a mass movement by spreading like a wild fire and he will leave his footprints in the society.


Dr Wooday  P Krishna, General Secretary of Sheshadripuram Educational Trust  who was also the special guest opined that the art of giving becomes easier  if people give up the   selfish though of  me and myself.   He said that the art of giving is embedded in our Indian culture and ethos from time immemorial.  Our national ideals are service and sacrifice.  As Swami Vivekananda has rightly said education is the basic remedy to most of the ills faced by the society.  As such the work done by Dr Achyutha Samantha is really exemplary.  He further added “One need not wait for the government alone to do everything.  If we can survive as a nation without government we   can do lot of work without government help mainly because we have that strength in our culture”.

TV9 report about ART OF GIVING program held today (May 17, 2015)

Posted by Guru Prasad on Sunday, May 17, 2015


In his speech on practising the art of giving MLA of Jayanagar B N Vijaykumar stated that it is our duty to give the society back from which we have benefited enormously.    He appreciated the work of Dr Achyutha saying  Dr Achyutha has been working silently for the welfare of thousands of  tribal students and he has heralded in  new chapter in the art of giving.

The programme began with lighting of the   traditional lamp.


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