Students organise exhibition to raise funds for sports & gardening club

Students learning how to make art out of waste from the members of the Government High School, Police Colony (GHSPC) alumni team under the Art of Giving Foundation.

ENARADA, Bengaluru, February 26, 2016

Ideally, sports should have been an integral part in every school. Sadly, many schools don’t have the required infrastructure or facilities to nurture the students. In the process, it is the students who suffer a lot. Instead of cribbing of not having any facility, the students studying at the Government Higher Primary School, Gidadakonenahalli (near Nagarabavi) set a unique example on Friday.

The students organised an exhibition of their craft works (made entire out of the waste which was dumped next to their school compound) in their school campus. Impressed by the exhibits, the localites bought these crafts and gifted sporting and gardening accessories to the students in return.

Using these accessories, the students immediately created a mini garden in the school by planting neem and other useful saplings. By doing so, the school students have set an example to the entire state.

To begin with, the Friday’s exhibition showcased paper bags and garlands (made out of waste plastic and papers), decorative items for threshold, toys, puppets, satin rubber mat and stick and bird nests (made entirely out of water /soft drink bottles), bowls, gift boxes, spoon art and photo frames.

Madhu S, a class six student said, “A sport can give someone confidence, or a purpose, or a way to relax. It teaches students to balance their time better. However, we couldn’t afford sport kits. As we were wondering how we can involve ourselves in sporting activities when we didn’t have the required kits. So, with the help of school authorities, education department officials and Government High School, Police Colony (GHSPC) alumni batch, we decided to organise an exhibition of craft items.

Students learning how to make art out of waste from the members of the Government High School, Police Colony (GHSPC) alumni team under the Art of Giving Foundation.
Students learning how to make art out of waste from the members of the Government High School, Police Colony (GHSPC) alumni team under the Art of Giving Foundation.
The students were quick learners and were ready with their finished products. They are now displaying their exhibits in the school campus.
The students were quick learners and were ready with their finished products. They are now displaying their exhibits in the school campus.










Sudha B, a seventh standard student added, “Ours is a unique example because we neither bothered our parents to buy items as we knew their financial conditions nor petitioned the education department who have been very supportive for our cause.

So, we decided to learn something on our own and then organise an exhibition. Now, the big question for us was to collect the raw material for these exhibits. Instead of going for the costly investment, we decided to search the productive raw materials which were readily available near our school. We realised a vacant plot was converted as a waste dumping yard near our school and hence brought a few productive raw materials from the waste.

Now, under the guidance of GHSPC members, who taught us the Art of Giving concept, we converted the waste items into art. In a matter of few minutes, our exhibits were ready.”

The exhibits were so wonderful that it drew people from near and far. The news soon spread like a wild fire and people started coming in huge numbers for this charity exhibition.
The exhibits were so wonderful that it drew people from near and far. The news soon spread like a wild fire and people started coming in huge numbers for this charity exhibition.
 Herohalli ward Corporator Rajanna and local developers Anil and Manjunath, too were part of the visitors. They bought the items and in return gifted sporting and gardening accessories to the children.
Herohalli ward Corporator Rajanna and local developers Anil and Manjunath, too were part of the visitors. They bought the items and in return gifted sporting and gardening accessories to the children.

Naveen L, a fifth standard student said, “We heartily thank KIIT & KISS founder Dr Achyuta Samanta for introducing the Art of Giving concept to us. We have been greatly benefited by the concept which promotes us to help each other.

So, today, we learnt a lesson of helping ourselves, parents, teachers and future generations by organising the exhibition. Thanks, to the exhibition, which received an overwhelming response from the localites who bought our exhibits and gifted us the sport and gardening accessories. We could get tennikoit  rings, carrom board, volley ball accessories, skipping ropes, badminton kits and tennis balls etc. We also received gardening accessories like hoes, spades, watering cans, water barrel, trowels, buckets and hand shovels etc.

I know this is a small beginning but with a great potential to take this forward.”

 The students whose adrenaline had reached a new height, took the gardening equipments to a nearby field and planted saplings.
The students whose adrenaline had reached a new height, took the gardening equipments to a nearby field and planted saplings.
 Finally, all is well that ends well and the students signed off the day by playing their favourite sports from the sporting equipment which were gifted to them.
Finally, all is well that ends well and the students signed off the day by playing their favourite sports from the sporting equipment which were gifted to them.

Gidadakonenahalli Government Higher Primary School Headmistress C Vasantha Kumari said, “We are really proud of our students. We have always believed and taught students that it is not enough just to excel in academics but one should also be good at sports and gardening.

Today, our school has set a unique example and hope the other schools to follow this model.”

Raje Gowda, a localite said, “I was so impressed by the art and craft that I couldn’t resist buying. I used to see these students playing near the school but never realised they were so talented. So, I gifted them a tennekoit ring after buying an art.”

Impressed by the students’ work, Block Education Officer Gopala Krishna said, Gardening teaches children responsibility and teamwork. Plus, parents, students and teachers can all enjoy the growing feeling of community that comes from sharing a new adventure.

The experience of seeing seed, soil, water and sun come together to transform into a tiny plant is a lesson in itself, and one not soon forgotten. This will help student learn to appreciate the wonder and power of nature. Planting a seed teaches students about the need to protect our natural resources, since clean soil and water are necessary for the plants to grow.

Children learn that we need to preserve open land for food crops, trees and enjoying nature. By tending the garden and taking care of their environment, they see that they are helping nature make the magic happen.”

Dodde Gowda of GHSPC said, “We thought of teaching gardening to students as hands-on learning gardens provided a wealth of opportunities for kids to get their hands dirty while learning lessons in many different areas of curriculum.

Students could study plant anatomy and botanical life science, and those are just the beginning.” Mamatha N Swamy of GHSPC said, “We were planning to conduct art and craft classes in the school and were surprised by the excitement shown by the students.

The idea of the exhibition was mooted by the students and we just encouraged them to organise the exhibition. Devika Rani, another member of GHSPC added, “All the credit should go to Dr Achyuta Samanta for inspiring us with his Art of Giving motto and to the students who have made the entire programme a grand success.”

 Decorative items prepared by students of Gidadakonenahalli Government Higher Primary School.
Decorative items prepared by students of Gidadakonenahalli Government Higher Primary School.
 Decorative items prepared by students of Gidadakonenahalli Government Higher Primary School.
Decorative items prepared by students of Gidadakonenahalli Government Higher Primary School.
 Decorative items prepared by students of Gidadakonenahalli Government Higher Primary School.
Decorative items prepared by students of Gidadakonenahalli Government Higher Primary School.


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