Karnataka goes all out to embrace social media


eNarada, Bengaluru, December 3, 2016


With the social media ruling the roost, even the governments have felt the need to use social media as a tool to reach out to the people. Taking a giant step, the Karnataka Government is kick-starting a debate as to how effectively social media can be used by organising the All India Public Communicators Workshop in Bengaluru on December 9 and 10. The programme will be inaugurated by Union Minister for Publicity M Venkaiah Naidu on December 9 and the programme will have distinguished speakers like CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury, former Union Minister Manish Tiwari and Times of India’s US-based correspondent Chidananda Rajghatta and veteran journalist Shekar Gupta.

The workshop intends to explore the means to reach the benefits of governments schemes directly to the common man through this media and to get back the feedback on such an operation. It also aims to have an overview of the activities of other states in this arena and to evolve a national level platform through formulating a forum; All-India Information Officers Association which will help in erecting a National Grid and National Level Network of Public Communicators.


December 9

10.30 am to 11-45 am

Inauguration by Union Minister M Venkaiah Naidu & Chief Minister Siddaramaiah.
Key Note Address-Shekhar Gupta (Columnist, Chairman and Editor- in-chief of The Print)

12.00-1.30 PM

Session- I: Best practices in DIPR-A Professional Approach
Speakers: M.Lakshminarayan (Principal Secretary to Department of Information and Public Relations), Moderator: Sri R.T.Kumar (CEO, Oysters & Chairman, Public Relations Council of India) and representatives of various states.

2.30-4.30 PM
Session-2: Role of DIPR: Present Scenario
Speakers: Sitaram Yechury, Manish Tiwari & Chidananda Rajghatta; Moderator: KS Sachidananda Murthy (Resident Editor of The Week)

7 PM

Musical Concert: Sangeeta Katti (renowned Hindustani vocalist)

December 10
10.00-11.45 AM

Session 1: Social Media: Future Challenges
Speakers: Sri Narayan (Director, Social Media, Press Information Bureau), Amith Tripathi (Managing Director, Ideate Labs), Soumya Aji (Associate Editor, Economic Times) and Madhukar Sabnavis (Vice-President of Ogilvy and Mather); moderator: B.N.Kumar (Executive Director, Concept PR)

12.00-1.30 PM

Session 2: Social Media: Future Challenges
Speakers: Anurag Batra (Media Expert and Chairman, Exchange4 media Group), Madhukar Sabnavis (Vice-President of Ogilvy and Mather) and Jitendra Bhargav (Executive Director, (Retired) Air India Limited)

2.30-4.00 PM
Session 3: Best Practices
Formation of All India Information Officer’s Association

You can watch the entire event GLOBAL LIVE Webcast on Enarada.com


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