BJP for Lingayat-Veerashiva unity


eNarada, Bengaluru, Friday, January 26, 2018
By Guruprasad .R

While the Congress party is focussed on dividing the Veerashaiva-Lingayat community, the BJP was conspicuously tightlipped over the whole episode. The leaders never supported the division but also were silent on the caste unity. For the first time, BJP has spelt out its stand saying that it will work for the unity of Veerashiva-Lingayats!

BJP leaders takes part in Yagna and Bhoomi Pooja at Palace Grounds to pray for success of PM Modi’s visit to Bengaluru. eNarada Pic.

Participating in a Bhoomi pooja and Yagna for invoking success for the Prime Minister of Narendra Modi’s public function on February 4, Union Minister DV Sadananada Gowda said, “We believe that Veerashiva-Lingayats are an integral part of Hindus. So, our commitment and plan of action would be not to accord separate religion status to them and instead keep them united with Hinduism.”

This draws curtains on the BJP’ stance. Till now, the BJP leaders were tightlipped over the divide as they were scared of losing votes. Sources said that it was a clear ploy by the Congress to woo Lingayats to its fold. Traditionally, Lingayats had been a trusted vote bank for BJP. With the division, the Congress believes that Lingayat supporters will rally behind their party.

Only the next elections will give out the mandate over the division or unity of Lingayats.


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