Students from France explores new learning opportunity in Bengaluru

Fashion Design students from LISAA France spent time in Bengaluru learning new technics in Textile design. A report from

#eNaradaNews | Bengaluru | Monday, February 17, 2020 | 2.45pm

Fashion Design students from LISAA France spent time in Bengaluru learning new technics in Textile design. A report from

The students of Fashion design from France had a wonderful time interacting with artisans in Bengaluru.

As part of their syllabus in Module 3 of Textile science – A brief introduction to dyeing and printing,  they learned about  working on natural fabric dyes.

A group of 40 students consisting of 20 students each from LISAA Paris and LISAA Bengaluru had a piece of firsthand information about dyes made from Indian herbs.  The center of attraction in their learning process was  sustainable practices and creating eco-friendly & organic colours which has great potential across the globe.

The students said they are eager to make their  own innovative designs by applying the practical knowledge received from experienced artisans from Bengaluru.

“Hand printing by using natural fabric was something new which we have never seen before and we will never forget our visit to Bengaluru,” said Chloe Moulin one of the French students who were totally fascinated by art.

The French students will in Bengaluru till 18th February 2020 and LISAA has organised many workshops and visits to different heritage and cultural centers for them.


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