Two Days International Conference on Staging/Playing Gender: History , Theatre and Performance


Topic Two Days International Conference on Staging/Playing Gender: History , Theatre and Performance
Venue Jnana Bharathi Campus, Mysore Road,  Bangalore
Date 27th & 28th March 2013
Time 9.00 am to 5.00pm
Details Department of Performing Arts Bangalore University  has organised  this Two Days International Conference on Staging/Playing Gender: History, Theatre and Performance AS PART OF WORLD THEATRE DAY. 

Call for Papers

The present seminar would like to carry the research forward by consolidating the research that has happened and to move towards hitherto unnoticed areas, and also make the concept of gender as an integral part of our theatre research activity.


Papers from both practitioners and scholars to present papers on any of the related issues are invited.


Some of the sub-themes of the seminar would be but not limited to:

1. Historical discussion around the issue of bringing woman on stage

2. Question of Gender impersonation and its historical trajectories

3. Feminist theatre/play/director/playwright

4. Woman theatre/play/director/playwright

5. Representation of woman/gender in theatre

6. Woman and performative traditions

7. Gender as performance

8. Woman performers/actors: their achievements, struggles (even based on biographies and autobiographies which have come out in abundance in the past two decades)

9. Social implications of gender as portrayed on stage/ in theatre

10. Gendered audience in modern and folk traditions

Important Instructions for Abstract Submission

•             Abstract not exceeding 500 words should be sent latest by 15th March 2013 through email to the following email address:

•             For more information about the conference visit the Bangalore University website:

•             The authors should state their institutional affiliation, designation, postal address, e-mail, fax and mobile number.

•             The organizing committee reserves the right to accept/reject the abstract without giving any reasons


Conference Co-ordinators : S Siddalingaiah S <>
Dr. Nagesh V. BettakoteAssociate Professor,

Dept of Performing Arts,

Bangalore University,

Bangalore – 560 056.

S SiddalingaiahP.R.O Office

Bangalore University






Entry General Conference: Rs.1000/-Resarch Scholars       : Rs.500/-

For PG Student          : FREE



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