Education for Empowerment l Certificate Distribution for pratham Volunteers

Topic Education for  Empowerment l Certificate Distribution for pratham Volunteers
Venue Theorem Pratham Training Center, Behind BSNL, Kapila road, Triveni nagar, T-Narasipura Town, Mysore District
Date Thursday, March 28th, 2013
Time 11:00 AM
Details Theorem employs over 900 people and owns a state-of-the-art facility in Mysore sprawling over 5 acres. It is also among one of the biggest employers of digital marketing professionals in India.One of their initiatives has been in partnership with Pratham, the largest non-governmental organization working to provide quality education to the underprivileged children of India. Theorem started a training center in the T-Narasipur taluk in Mysore in February 2011 and has also instituted a training program in computers and English.A program that started with a severe challenge of attracting volunteers to educate the villagers, has in fact managed to get 150 new volunteers for the batch starting in June 2012 in just about a year.

B.N. Chandrakath, the Co-Founder and President of Theorem, who has been responsible for driving the company’s India operations will be in Mysore on Thursday, March 28, 2013 to distribute certificates to the fresh graduates and also speak with the new volunteers and the new batch of trainees. He would love to talk  about the success of the program in just over a year, his vision for it, and:

Ø  Theorem’s campus/successful operations in Mysore as opposed to having a campus in the established cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, etc

Ø  Local talent, English speaking force in a district like Mysore

Ø  Theorem’s Corporate Social Responsibility / Tie up with Pratham

Ø  How theorem contributes to the community in terms of employment, education, technology in Mysore, etc.,

Contact Bite Communications   Phone : +91.080.4180.0811     Mobile: +91.9886.764.261      Skype : syed.hafeez02
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