Sodpad -2013 beach festival attracts huge crowds



Mangalore, April 8, 2013:

By C D Souza 

As part of the  golden jubilee celebration of Sri Anjaneya Gudi and Vyayama Shale, Sasihithlu, Mangalore,  “Sod Pad – 2013” the two day beach festival was conducted  at Sasihithlu beach.

Various competitions like dance, wrestling, boat race, net-throw in the sea, tug-of-war, sea swimming and sand art competitions were organized on both the days.  Competitors from different parts of the district took part in all these competitions.  While the competition attracted participants from different parts people from nearby areas flocked to the beach to witness these competitions.


The organizers made elaborate arrangements for the participants of various competitions.   The tunes of the Chende team and the band perfectly coalesced with the rhythms of the sound of the sea waves and added to the vibrant mood of the competitors and the general public.


In swimming wrestling competition national and state level swimmers and wrestles participated as the cash prize to the winners proved to be the major attraction for the participants.  The prelims of wrestling competition were held on 6th and the finals were held today morning.   Dance competition for various categories was also held on 6th evening.


Prize distribution was held today, 7th April 2013 in the evening followed by variety porogramme.  The beach festival was a perfect destination on a Sunday to beat the summer heat.


  1. It seems somebody have prbloem with Karnataka Bank & keep spreading bad words about the bank.1. Karnataka Bank never claimed theey are owned by govt. of karnataka or have promoted by any govt. If you misunderstand like that it’s your prbloem. They always claim they are private bank.3. What’s your prbloem with that? They have all the rights to choose the exam centers. If you are not interested don’t apply.4. This is commen for any work you undertake in any organization. They can’t bring the branch to your city for your convenience. 5. Most of the companies & organizations spend lot of money for recruitment & training. If people keep resigning after recruitment or after training, organizations has to incure the loss. So obviously they ask for contract period, bond for binding from the employee. once again if you cant work dont apply.6. Don’t you think most of the banks follow same recruitment policy?


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