Akshaya Tritiya-The gold day..



Bangalore, Hubli,  May 13, 2013:


Jewellery shops  witnessed a massive turnout of customers on Monday. Despite the bulk purchases made following a drop in gold prices last month, the frenzy over buying the yellow metal on the auspicious day- the Akshaya Tritiya day was  the reason for the huge turnout.

Akshaya Tritiya, considered to be one of the most auspicious time for new beginnings, be it entrepreneurial ventures or investments, is being celebrated today.

Akshaya, a Sanskrit word meaning that which never diminishes, Akshaya Tritiya falls on the third day of Vaishaka month of Hindu Calender.  The day is considered to be an auspicious day.

The legends surrounding occasion are many; the most commonly accepted one being that it is the birthday of Lord Parasurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.


It is also believed that, lord Krishna gave his devotee a little gold on this day and he went on to prosper. As a result most hindus believe that purchasing gold on this day brings more prosperity.

Gold coins with images of gods carved on them enjoyed a greater demand on this day. The most demanded coins this year were those on which the images of Goddess Lakshmi and Guruvayoorappan were carved.

However, the middle-class buyers mostly preferred ornaments of smaller weight like nose pins, ear studs, rings and gold chains.

According to an estimate at least 800 kgs of gold was sold on Akshaya Trithiya this year. ENN




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