Bangalore Students get scholarship for innovative spirit and entrepreneurship


enarada news and webcast

ENARADA, Bangalore, September 2, 2013:

In its second year, Avery Dennison Foundation (ADF) announced the 2013 winners of annual InvEnt Spirit of Invention Scholarship Program.

Ten students from engineering, science and technology background were selected from four institutes across India. Out of those ten, three students are from M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, (MSRIT) Bangalore. These students received scholarships for displaying outstanding scientific spirit and entrepreneurship.

Each of the ten students selected received a one year scholarship grant of US$1,300, to be used in their second year of study. The merit-based Spirit of Invention scholarship program is open to all first-year Indian national students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance with a strong interest in innovation.

This year, the students selected from three colleges included M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore; Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani; Pune Vidhyarthi Griha’s College of Engineering and Technology, Pune;.

As part of their application for the scholarship, the students were required to submit a project for an innovation. Some of the brilliant concepts included a safety sensor device, a wireless sensor network to tackle the long-term railway track maintenance problem, a protective covering for switches made of silicone rubber and a natural gas tank which stores gas at high pressure using CNG technology.

Speaking on the occasion, Alicia Procello Maddox, president of the Avery Dennison Foundation and senior director of community investment for Avery Dennison Corporation, said, “It is our mission, in awarding these scholarships each year, to foster the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship among university students.”


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