Business Meetings and Negotiations – By Huma Riaz


Topic Business Meetings and NegotiationsBy Huma Riaz
Venue British Library, Prestige Takt, No.23, Kasturba Road Cross, Bangalore 560 001
Date Saturday , March 23, 2013
Time 10.30 am – 5.30 pm
Details Participating in a meeting for decision-making or negotiations can be a challenge and can cause a certain amount of anxiety. When are you allowed to contribute and how do you word it properly? When is the right time to ask questions and what happens if you actually have to run the meeting? 

The British Library, Bangalore is going to run a workshop for business executives and working professionals to help them participate in or conduct a meeting with confidence.

By the end of the workshop, participants will be better able to:

•      participate in and conduct a meeting and manage the different stages

•      use the decision-making and the negotiation process

•      use the language of meetings and negotiations

No lectures, power point presentations or inspiring talks but language games, activities, practice tasks, role plays and much more for you to explore!

About the trainer:

‘Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open’.

With this belief, Huma Riaz set out on a journey of lifelong learning by teaching and training. Having a Master’s degree in Human Resources Management (Training), and the Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainers, she went on to help employees of various companies such as TCS, HCL, Ford, RBS, Atkins, Citrix, etc. with their general and business communication. Completing the British Council Pre-service Teacher Training Course (equivalent to TEFL-I requirements) opened a completely new world for her! She took up teaching with the British Council Chennai Teaching Centre where she taught general English, business English and YL courses. While this kept her on her toes, she stepped out of her comfort zone, developed course content, liaised with corporate clients, delivered internal teacher training sessions, and line-managed teachers as a Corporate Courses Coordinator for the Teaching Centre, Chennai. As a result, she won the Staff Award for Excellence in Supporting Cultural Relations at the British Council in 2011.

She works as a corporate trainer, teacher trainer and content developer for the British Council.

An ardent lover of good food – she loves experimenting with different types of cuisine within and outside the four walls of her home. She enjoys reading, going to the gym and sitting by the poolside in her free time.

Contact British Library, Prestige Takt, No.23, Kasturba Road Cross, Bangalore 560 001 

Ph: 080-22489220                Email:

Entry Fee : Rs.1500/- (for Library  Members) / Rs.2000/- (for Non-Members)


Registrations: First come first served basis.

Refreshments will be provided

Please note that this workshop is for business executives and working professionals only.



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