ENARADA, Mysore, November 5, 2013:
Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe super specialty cleft facility at St. Joseph’s Hospital was inaugurated by His Excellency, Mr Hans-Gunter Loffler, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany today. It will offer comprehensive therapeutic, diagnostic and surgical facilities under one roof.
Speaking at the occasion His Excellency, Mr Hans-Gunter Loffler, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany and Chief Guest, said, “It is indeed a proud moment for us, as Germany is a good partner to India not just in the business and cultural domain but also in social and developmental activity”.
Addressing the gathering Alexander Gross, CEO, Deustche Cleft Kinderhilfe, said, “Our aim is to make quality healthcare accessible to the underprivileged”.
The centre will be the first of its kind exclusive facility in the Mysore region to provide free treatment to severe congenital facial deformities like NAM–Nasoalveolar Moulding therapy and orthodontic care under one roof coupled with the many complex and specialized surgeries including orthognathic surgery, rhinoplasty , pharyngoplasty , distraction osteogenesis and many secondary corrections which are quite complex in nature. Apart from this the centre will also provide orthodontics, speech and ENT related treatment for cleft children.
RT. REV. DR. Thomas A. Vazahapilly presided over the function. The prominent dignitaries, Mr. Alexander Gross, CEO, Deustche Cleft Kinderhilfe, Germany, Dr. Brigitte Winkler , Schweizer Hilfe fur Spaltkinder, Switzerland and Dr. Margrit Leuthold, Executive Director, Swissnex India. Participated in the function.