Bangalore, March 16, 2013:
Dr. K.J.Srinivasa, Regional Passport officer, Bangalore, has been felicitated by Akhila Bharatha veerashiava Mahasahba (ABVM) on March 15 at veerashaiva- lingayata Bhavana in Bangalore. He is recently transferred as Consul General (Designate) in the Indian consulate, Sanfransisco.

Srinivasa said that there were lower representation of kannadiga’s in Indian civil service and foreign service in particular.
He opined that representatives from Uttarapradesh, Bihar, Tamilnadu are much higher in foreign service when compared to that of Karnataka. “There is a need for ABVM and other organisations to provide adequate facility including scholarship to talented students in the state and encourage them to take up civil service examinations” he said.
He promised to help NRI’s who are keen on investing in India and also to Indians who wish to invest abroad.
Respected Sir,
I, Aditya Agrawala (original name),now name changed to CMAditya humbly and kindly request your higher authorities and administration for the permission to visit your beautiful country Los Angeles at least once.Being true devotee of Lord Hanuman ji and crazy follower of Shrimadbhagvad Gita by Lord krishna,iwant to preach Bhakti yoga in Los angeles so that it can help mankind in reestablishing peace.I also met love of my life Jessica Green 21 years old resident of your beautiful city Los Angeles on online site meetme.com whom i have proposed for marriage but she haven’t replied till yet,though proposing her constantly and regularly since two weeks but no reply from her. I told her i love her truly and have no problem with any profession she chose involving modelling,acting or skin show whatever she wants and if she says no her no will be treated equally as yes as i believe true love lies in complete freedom and other person’s happiness freedom and love.I was tortured brutally sexually,physically as well as mentally by my parents ,their relatives,school,people especially my parents till 18 years of my age and faced three years constant torture by college administration and colleagues( 21 years )now i am presently 22 still facing a bit of mental torture.I am final year student in College of Technology,Pantnagar presently pursuing final semester of my degree in electronics and communication engineering.Presently i am placed in Tata Consultancy Services(TCS) with INR 20000 per month nearly 390 dollars per month,you can verify if you want on their website my id is CT20131116181 passwoprd Aditya123!@# and my bank account number is 33705337906 NICKNAMED CMADITYA.I want to visit your beautiful country once .I am not able to get loan from bank, i need 9000 dollars but not able to get it.Though my father is scale 2 branch manager posted in Canara Bank,Shivalik Nagar ,Haridwar and could have easily get the required money from him but seeing their money mindedness and brutal tortures ,i have decided to seperate from them and now trying for legal seperation ,this is the reason for not demanding money from parents.I am an all rounder, expertise in Indian sex Guide Kama Sutra telling about various sex positions and practise of safe sex .I am proud to be an Indian as well because it is the country of love and also called land of Kama Sutra.To conclude love for a lady ,love of your country and preaching Bhakti Yoga are the main reasons for my visit to your beautiful city ,Los Angeles.In this way it will be a union of two souls as well as two countries and a step forward in establishing peace and love among nations.
Thanking You in anticipation.
Yours truly,
true devotee of god
Aditya Agrawala(original name)
CMAditya(name changed)