ENARADA, Bhubaneshwar, November 27, 2013:
International Conference on Renewable Energy (ICORE) 2013, organized by KIIT University in association with Solar Energy Society of India (SESI), was inaugurated here on 27th November 2013. Mr. R. K. Satpathy, President, SESI, New Delhi; Mr. V.S. Verma, Member, CERC, New Delhi; Prof. P. P. Mathur, Vice Chancellor, KIIT University; and Prof. D. K. Tripathy, Pro-VC graced the inaugural session. Dr. David Renné, President, International Solar Energy Society delivered his inaugural message through video conferencing. The meet is first of its kind in eastern part of India.
The three-day deliberations aims to provide an ideal opportunity to players in Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal, Wind, Biomass, Small Hydro, Products, Materials and Systems, to display their capabilities to explore huge emerging business opportunities in India and South Asian countries. The vital purpose of this conference is to bring about coordination between state governments and the central government towards betterment of production of renewable energy sources.
Adequate energy at affordable cost is the most important factor in the development process and one of the necessary infrastructure requirements for industrial and agricultural development, employment generation and improvement in the overall quality of life of people, especially in rural and far flung areas. Considering total consumption of electricity in various sectors such as industry, railways, agriculture, household, etc, the per capita consumption per person per year in India it is only around 1000 kWh. The world average is more than two and half times that of India. The country has to go a long way since more than 40% households do not have electric connections. Renewable energy devices such as decentralized solar PV plants, biomass gasified systems and biogas plants can provide clean energy to the rural masses for meeting their cooking, lighting and other needs.
As many as 500 participants from India, Japan, German and other countries will be discussing these and other issues at the meet. The conference will be an annual event in KIIT from this year, informed Dr. S. M. Ali, Professor, KIIT University and Vice President, SESI.
SESI has brought together 100 students from all over India who are working or willing to work on Solar Energy applications, innovations to ICORE-2013. Important topics for Conference are: Solar PV Systems & Technology, Off Grid Applications of Solar PV, Solar Thermal Systems & Technology, Small Hydro and Other Renewable Technologies, Employment Generation through Renewables, Manufacturing and Equipment, Biomass and Biofuel Conversion Technology, Policy and Programme Implementation on RE, RE for Rural Areas, Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage, Application of Nano Materials in Energy Systems, Decentralized Generation, Renewable Energy Education Capacity Building & Training.