Kabali fever fizzles out on Day 2


ENARADA, Bengaluru, July 23, 2016

Empty seats at 'Kabali' Movie on 2nd day at Anjan Theatre, Magadi Road. Photo by Enarada.com
As Kabali fever died down on day 2, it was more of empty seats than audience at a Bengaluru theatre on Saturday. Photo by www.enarada.com

By Guruprasad

The Kabali fever which had gripped Bengaluru seems to have died down on day two itself! Film producers and distributors are worried as they are welcomed with empty seats at many cinemas. Even the Kabali ticket hype that none of the tickets were available till July 24 too had no grounds as tickets were easily available for public. In fact, many of the people were posting on social media sites that they were ready to part the tickets as they were “unable to watch the movie”.

Now, the big question is as to what went wrong with Kabali? Industry insiders say that there are multiple reasons to Kabali fever losing its grip. Firstly, like the previous Rajini movies like Linga or Baba, Kabali has also failed to meet expectations. Despite all the hype and hoopla outside the theatre, the Kabali team has nothing much to offer to the audience. There has been mixed reviews for the movie. While the diehard fans of Rajini say that the movie was up to their expectations, film critics and other movie buffs admit that the movie had too many lapses and it has not stood up to its expectations. As the news has spread fast, many of the movie goers are now backing out. Secondly, the movie in Bengaluru started with 3 AM shows. As a result, there were multiple shows on day one itself. As many wanted to watch the movie-first day, first show and coupled with bad reviews has forced the movie buffs to back out from theatres. Even the tickets which were priced at Rs 500 to Rs 1,500 on day one were easily available for Rs 150 on day two.

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Is this a real ticket?


kabali ticket
Looks like an unauthorised ticket without any govt seal on it.

Many movie buffs also wondered if the tickets that were sold in theatres were real or not? For example, when this Enarada.com did a reality check at Anjan theatre, the tickets that were sold look more like a party pamphlet than a film ticket. Surprisingly, there was no official stamp. Even the seat numbers were scribbled in pen. With commercial department keeping a close eye on the ticket tampering as well as tax evasion from cinemas for Kabali release, these kind of tickets raise a few eyebrows.


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