Karnataka Government to release funds to start Kannada chair at JNU


ENARADA, New Delhi, November 15, 2014

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop,” the popular words of Confucius inspired Dehali Karnataka Sangha (DKS) to achieve the task of bringing the Kannada Chair at Jawaharlal Nehru University(JNU), New Delhi.

In 2013, a committee formed by DKS to establish  Kannada  Peeta (Study Centre) at JNU, had sent a proposal requesting  establishing of Kannada chair in JNU to JNU Rector Dr.Sudha Pai and Vice Chancellor Prof.Sudhir.  Following the request, JNU had prepared a  detailed project report involving cost and infrastructure. The report was sent to Government of Karnataka by DKS and Government had sent a delegation of officials from Kannada & Culture department  to discuss the matter in detail with JNU during the month of  August this year.

Following the favourable report from Kannada & Culture department, Government  decided to release Rs.43 lakh as the first instalment.

DKS press meet, 15-11-2014, Enarada.com
Vasanth Shetty Bellary, President of Dehali Karnataka Sangha, address the media in Delhi confirming the positive response from Government of Karnataka, to start a Kannada chair at JNU.


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