Nation needs Innovation


ENARADA, Bengaluru, January 16, 2015

Adopting innovation in education brings a positive change in the country, said Prof.K.Kasturirangan, Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University and chairman of Karnataka Knowledge commission.

With the launch of ‘Smart Classes, Virtual Classes and Websites in Government First Grade Colleges in the state’  held today at Government Science College in Bengaluru, Karnataka virtually became the first state in the country to start virtual classes in 411 Government colleges spread across the state.

Speaking on the occassion, Kasturirangan lauded Department of Collegiate Education for taking an initiative to utilise maximal use of technology in education sector and asked the students to make use of revolution in teaching.

The big challenge is to make technology and education materials reach rural students, as there is a gap between facilities available to students in city and those studying in rural areas,  felt Kasturirangan, “Rural students are intelligent but some issues such as Language barrier, affordability and an atmosphere for learning are affecting them. They need support of the society and government to fulfil their aspirations.”

Education dept, Jan 16, 2015
Prof.K.Kasturirangan looks at the presentation by an academician about the Mobile application which provides access to video lectures through Smart phone. R.V.Deshpande, Minister for Higher Education, Ramalinga Reddy, Bengaluru District in charge minister, Dr.Rajneesh Goel, Prinicipal secretary to Government, Higher education department, B.G.Nandakumar, Commissioner for collegiate education, Dr. Ramesh Reddy, Informatics Officer in the department of Collegiate education and others are seen in the picture. Photo: ENARADA.COM



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