PHOTO Feature on Hubli – Dharwad Elections, March 7, 2013


Hubli, March 7, 2013:

Chief Minister Jagadish Shettar stood in line to cast his vote , a 103 year old woman voter enthusiastically participated in the election, Physically challenged person chose to vote come what may, large number of women shown eagerness to vote are some of the highlights of today’s election to  Hubli Dharwad Municipal Corporation .

Here are the photos.

103 years old vardabai narayanrao purani cast her vote at ward No. 31 keshwapur road
A physically Challenged person takes the help from his friend to arrive at the New English School booth to cast his vote
Yet another old women arrives at gradenpett booth to vote
Joyous CM with his family members displaying the 'finger marked with ink' as a token of casting of their votes
Serpentine que outside a booth at Torvihakkal
Voters displaying their voters card
Women voters eager to vote


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