Women need awareness about the law: R. M. Shettar


Shimoga, March 01 (Karnataka Information):

Chief District and Sessions  judge R. M. Shettar stated that women can tackle the atrocities, violence and domestic atrocities on them by becoming educated.

He was speaking after inaugurating a one day workshop about The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, Anti-Dowry Act and other acts related to women organized at B. R. Ambedkar Bhavan of the city under the joint patronage of District Legal Services Authority, Women and Child Development Department, Association of lawyers, Health Department, and National College of Law, Shimoga.

Women are exploited every day for various reasons. He said that it was sad that women are being exploited by women and some in society are committing the heinous crime of female foeticide. Even parents are neglecting the development of girl child and are not interested in providing them education. This attitude needs to be changed, he said.

Ashok J. Bhat, President of Lawyers Association presided over the workshop. Shashikanth Senthil, Chief Executive Officer of Jilla Panchayat, Jagadish J. R. principal of National College of Law, N. Basavaraju from Women and Child Development Department Dr. Shivanna Reddy, Welfare Officer, District Health and Family attended as chief guests.


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