‘Czech universities wants Indian students’


ENARADA, Bangalore, October 30, 2014

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi is bringing the high level delegation of representatives of Czech universities to India, to convey opportunities available in Czech republic for Indian students.

Ambassador of the Czech Republic in India, Miloslav Stasek is leading the delegation and visiting six cities in India to have courtesy calls or meetings with Higher education ministers. Their agenda includes spending quality time in the campuses of many universities in India, interacting with students and faculty.

Ambassador of the Czech Republic in India, Miloslav Stasek.  Photo by ENARADA.COM

As part of two days visit to Bangalore, an interactive  seminar ‘ Study in Czech Republic,’ was organised today at Hotel Taj Vivanta, M.G.Road. Guruprasad, Editor of Enarada.com spoke to Miloslav Stasek on the occasion. Edited interview of Ambassador of the Czech Republic in India, Miloslav Stasek.

Enarada.com: Which are the cities your delegation covers?
Miloslav Stasek: We have covered Delhi (27-28 October) and Bangalore (29-30 October). We are visiting Chennai (31 October), Bhubaneshwar (1 November), Kolkota(3 November) and Mumbai(4-5 November).

Enarada.com: How was the response?
Miloslav Stasek: In Delhi, we met Smt.Smriti Zubin Irani, Minister of Human Resource Development, Government of India and representatives of the Higher Education Department, MHRD. We have interacted with Dr.Jitendra Singh, Minister of State for Ministry of Science & Technology (Independent Charge). In Bangalore, we met R.V.Deshpande, Minister for Higher Education of Karnataka. All of them are appreciating our efforts in reaching out to Indian students.

Enarada.com: Which are the other countries Czech republic universities are targeting?
Miloslav Stasek: Our universities wants Indian students. Yet we are trying to attract students from China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam.

Enarada.com: Why Indian students have to study in your country?
Miloslav Stasek: The Czech Republic’s higher education system is known for its high standards, especially in technical fields, natural sciences and life sciences. However, Czech universities have a lot to offer also in humanities, art and design. I am convinced that mutual cooperation and various exchange programmes will enrich both students and academics from both the countries.

delegation from Czech Republic

R.V Deshpande, Higher Education Minister, Government of Karnataka, greets delegates from Czech Universities on October 29. The High level representatives from  Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Charles university in Prague, BRNO University of Technology, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, Masaryk university in Brno, Metropolitan University in Prague, University of Ostrava, Technical University of Liberec,The University of Hvradec Kralove,Palacky University in Olomouc in Olomouc, University of Pardubice, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, VSB- Technical University of Ostrava, were present.

The delegates and Indian students participating in an informal group discussion after the seminar. Photos by ENARADA.COM

2Daniel C. Casten, (in Pic) Director of International Affairs, VSB- Technical University of Ostrava, said research institutes in Czech Republic, including his university offers best of equipments and other infrastructure.

“We receive vast funds from corporate sector and Government, to carry out research activities in various fields. We have the best of equipments in surplus and wants Indian students to utilise this,” said Casten.

VSB-TU campus is home to the  new National Supercomputing Centre, which when finished in 2015 is projected to be the 4th most powerful supercomputer in Europe, he added.


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