Equestrian: Riders from Bangalore to represent India at the 17th Asian Games, 2014

Ajai Appachu, Nadia Haridass and Fouaad Mirza and Silva Storai, Director, Embassy International Riding School (EIRS) selected for the 17th Asian Games 2014 under the sponsorship of Jitu and Lina Virwani
 Ajai Appachu, Nadia Haridass  and Fouaad Mirza and Silva Storai, Director, Embassy International Riding School (EIRS)   selected for the 17th Asian Games 2014 under the sponsorship of Jitu and Lina Virwani
Ajai Appachu, Nadia Haridass and Fouaad Mirza and Silva Storai, Director, Embassy International Riding School (EIRS) selected for the 17th Asian Games 2014 under the sponsorship of Jitu and Lina Virwani

ENARADA, Bangalore, July 25, 2014

Ajai Appachu, Fouaad Mirza and Nadia Haridass, three of Karnataka’s veteran show jumpers from the Embassy International Riding School, Bangalore, will be making their way to Incheon, Korea for the 17th Asian Games 2014.

This year, the Asian Games will be held from the 19th of September to the 4th of October.

The Equestrian sport has been featured in the Asian Games ever since it was staged in New Delhi in 1982.

To date, Japan leads with the number of accolades collected at the Asian Games for the Equestrian sport. Japan is followed by South Korea which is in turn followed by India.

The selection process for the Indian team this year was exhaustive. It covered 5 trials, qualifiers and competitions from October, 2013 to April, 2014. There were five Jury members involved in making the selections for each of the competition’s disciplines; Jumping, Dressage and Eventing.

Appachu, Mirza and Haridass train in Bangalore’s premier horse riding school: Embassy International Riding School (EIRS). Each has meticulously trained under reputed instructors.

Appachu has earned several equestrian accolades at events world-wide. Recently, he placed second at the renowned Hopetoun Commonwealth Cup in Scotland. Appachu is also the chief instructor for budding equestrians at EIRS.

At 22 years of age, Mirza has performed splendidly, having won over 50 medals at Regional and International championships.  He placed fourth at the Hopetoun Commonwealth Cup earlier this year.

Nadia has been a consistent, best performer in the Dressage category and has gained recognition in equestrian circles, winning many laurels and competitions, representing the country at both, national and international platforms.

The Managing Director and Chairman of Embassy Group and owner of EIRS, Jitu Virwani, said, “We at Embassy International Riding School believe in providing a comprehensive education in horsemanship; this is only possible with the right tutelage and riding facilities. We strive to encourage riders to achieve the highest standards in the sport.”


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