‘Spirit of Wipro Run’ 2013 held in 97 cities globally with over 50,000 participants


enarada news andnwebcast

ENARADA, Bangalore, September 22, 2013:

Wipro Ltd.,  today organized the eighth edition of the ‘Spirit of Wipro Run’, an annual global initiative to celebrate the true Spirit of Wipro with thousands of employees, their family, friends, customers, analysts and suppliers running together on the same day at different locations across the world.

The theme of this year’s run is “For The Long Run”. Just as it is critical to train and prepare for a marathon, it is important to think ahead, plan and train before any major event in life or in sport.

For the first time ever, timings for the half marathon was officially recorded in four cities across the world. Also, the run was held on at least five different terrains. In Bangalore, the elevated highway was the course for the half marathon – a first run of its kind in the city. While the run held in a zoo in an African city, a Japanese city hosted the run by the ocean.

More than 300 customers along with friends and families of Wipro employees joined this 24 hour run across the globe- so at any given time on September 22nd, there was someone in Wipro around the world running the Spirit of Wipro Run!


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