APCON 2013 international conference inaugurated in Bangalore



Bangalore, May 16, 2013:

The much awaited APCON 2013 International Conference on Supply Chain Management was inaugurated today at Hotel Sheraton in Bangalore. The flagship event of International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM) is being hosted by Indian Institute of Materials Management (IIMM).

The conference is featuring key industry experts discussing latest trends and new solutions to the challenges of supply chain management, faced by different industrial sectors in the region.

Inaugurating the conference, Chief Guest, Mr. Gopal Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, Central  Coalfields Ltd. said, “Globalisation has increased trade flow among all countries, thereby stiffening the  competition, which has in-turn increased the need for introducing more and more innovation in the entire  value chain, which includes inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics and marketing. Innovation  has therefore become a key factor to sustain and grow in the highly competitive global economy”.

The international conference has successfully brought together, many top management executives and supply chain management (SCM) professionals from around the world. The event is serving as an important platform for SCM practitioners in the region to network and collaborate, and is also providing many opportunities to exchange ideas to arrive at new solutions for age-long issues as well as emerging  challenges in the sector.

APCON 2013 conference is providing practical know-how to all forward-thinking CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CPOs, SCM professionals, business development managers, vice presidents, directors, and general managers from both manufacturing and service industries, who are participating in the international conference.

Addressing the audience at the APCON 2013 inauguration, Mr. C. Subbakrishna, National President, IIMM,  said, “The conference aims to help top management and SCM professionals by focusing on ways to stay  competitive in order to increase profitability, turn challenges into opportunities, empower team members  to communicate and cooperate, develop sensitivity to client diversity, and encourage collaboration among  suppliers, customers and partners”.


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