Bangalore walks as one in pursuit of a clean city

Ramalinga Reddy, Minister for Transport, Government of Karnataka flags of the IGBC GREEN WALKATHON 2013
Ramalinga Reddy, Minister for Transport, Government of Karnataka flags of the IGBC GREEN WALKATHON 2013
Ramalinga Reddy, Minister for Transport, Government of Karnataka flags of the IGBC GREEN WALKATHON 2013

ENARADA, Bangalore, September 15, 2013:

Providing a major impetus to the Green initiatives of the City, today, Mr. Ramalinga Reddy, Minister for Transport and Mr. Lakshminarayan, IAS, Commissioner, BBMP flagged off a Green Walkathon organized by CII- Indian Green Building Council from CubbonPark.

WorldGreenBuilding Week is celebrated all over the world to draw attention to the importance of creating healthier and sustainable communities. This year, Green Building Councils in over 95 countries representing more than 25,000 organizations will host similar events, with the theme: ‘GreenerBuildings, Better Places, and Healthier People’.

A large number of people from all walks of life participated in the event which sought to bring into focus the environmental challenges facing the world. Many of the participants held aloft banners and placards which had emblazoned on them slogans exhorting people to lead an environment-friendly and a healthy life.

The participants walked from Queen Statue, CubbonPark and went through the St. Marks Road, Vittal Mallya Road. The walkathon culminated at the Central Library, CubbonPark, covering a distance of about 3 km.

Mr. Ramalinga Reddy said: “I am extremely happy to be a part of this second CII Green Walkathon. The Government is taking adequate steps to make Bangalore a cleaner and greener city in the next six months. This can be possible with support of the citizens who have come together today.”

Mr. Lakshminarayan said: “I would like to thank you all participating in great number for supporting the city to make it clean. There are certain concerns the city is facing currently. However we are sure that with great support from the Government and Banagaloreans who have tremendous love and passion for the city, we will be able to overcome this as well.”

Speaking on the occasion Mr. Syed Mohamed Beary Chairman, IGBC – Bangalore Chapter said, “We are elated with the overwhelming response of the residents of the city. The objective of this initiative is to sensitize the public on having a cleaner and healthy Bangalore. This, I am sure would touch the hearts of the Bangaloreans and each one will contribute to the cause in a responsible manner and set an example to other cities”.

Over 3000 Bangaloreans joined the walkathon. Employees from Schneider Electric India, HP, Ezzy Grong up, BCIL, Bearys Group, CII, CREDAI, Schools, Clubs and several other organizations have participated in the Walkathon.

Dr. Chandrashekar Hariharan Vice-Chair, IGBC – Bangalore Chapter in his address said “We need to draw inspiration from some of the world’s best cities. For example, Vancouver has a vision to have zero waste going to landfills by 2020. The city of Zurich charges 4.25 USD for a trash bag, for household waste disposal. This has reduced the waste by almost 25 %. Both information and regulation are required to address the city’s waste disposal issues”.

The day was also marked by presenting awards to the winners of school children who enthusiastically took part in the essay writing contest titled – ‘My Dream of a Clean City, Green City- Bangalore 2020’.


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