Committed to a passion for conserving wildlife


ENARADA, Mysore, September 16, 2014

There are people who are passionate about their hobbies and also about the various aspects that have a bearing on the society and the environment we live in.Some such people sacrifice their career and spend their family life, valuable time, energy and resources in pursuit of their passion.

Rajkumar Devaraje  Urs, 45, is  an avid wildlife   enthusiast who has been working tirelessly not only to pursue his zeal but also to  create awareness among people and to educate school children on the  urgent need to conserve wildlife in our country.

Through the Wildlife Conservation Foundation (WCF) he established in 2007 he has been working assiduously to accomplish his objectives and is completely involved in making a systematic and scientific study of wildlife and avifaunal study in Bandipur and Nagarahole areas.   What makes his endeavour a unique one is that he is bent upon accomplishing conservation and protection efforts with a personal commitment.  This truly demonstrates his concern for conserving the wildlife, the cause which is close to his heart.

Committed to a passion for conserving wildlife-
Wildlife activist and Founder of Wildlife Conservation Foundation-Mysore, Mr. D. Rajkumar (Right) was felicitated recently and awarded with Wild Life Service Award- 2014.

His untiring efforts are bearing fruits slowly but steadily as many individuals, organizations and NGOs are joining hands with him in his efforts.

Recently Karnataka State Cricket Association and Belgavi Pantheres announced joining hands with WCF to support the cause of wildlife conservation in India.  These organizations also felicitated Rajkumar for his untiring efforts in preserving rare and endangered species of wildlife in India even while pledging their support for the cause he espouses. In fact the field activities undertaken by WCF include  a wide spectrum of activities namely conservation,   education, preventing road kills on  the stretch of Bandipur Tiger Reserve, save tiger and save elephant initiative and creating awareness on forest fire and conservation programme.   He has channelized all his energies in these aspects as they form an integral part of wildlife conservation.

When opportunity knocked

A B.Com graduate from Mysore University, Rajkumar was always interested in Wildlife and avifaunal study of India.   During his student days he had a knack for catching snakes  found in his vicinity and leave them back into the wild after nursing them for one or two days.  He even recalls that his mother who saw his bizarre interest in snakes even gave him a separate room to keep his snakes.

“My parents were  my best gurus and I am whatever I am because of their blessings and support.   May be they knew that I was not doing the right thing by not concentrating on academics unlike other boys.  But they gave me a lot of freedom and I am really thankful to them for giving me my space even as a child”, says a grateful Rajkumar.

He could not concentrate fully on his passion until 2003 as he had to take care of his bread and butter.  But he never sacrificed his passion in the altar of his career and when opportunity knocked at his door he grabbed it to be fully involved in the cause dearer to his heart.  He got  a chance to  get into the field he was passionate about to coordinate reports on Wildlife Sanctuary of Eravikulam and Periyar National Park and bird survey in Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajeev Gandhi National Park and Silent valley.   In 2003 he got another chance to conduct a bird survey in Bandipur Bird Sanctuary, which gave us a peek into the avifaunal richness of Bandipur.

Efforts yield results

He followed it up with work on reptiles namely translocation of snakes, mugger crocodiles which were captured by people of the vicinity and rescue of king Cobras   by relocating them into their natural habitat.  He is also providing voluntary services to other institutions and NGOs engaged in activities pertaining to the field of ecology, environment, wildlife conservation and protection.    He has been monitoring tiger deaths in Bandipur Tiger Reserve since 2009 as National Tiger Conservation Authority Representative (NTCA) and working in coordination with Karnataka Forest Department to submit reports to NTCA.  His knowledge and experience also enabled him to do a Tiger Estimation in 2013 – Phase IV of monitoring tiger and co-predators in Bandipur Tiger Reserve. He has trained volunteers on tiger estimation protocols.   Rajkumar is still doing his research on tigers in Bandipur and Nagarhole along with Sadanand a retired Reader from Mysore University.

Rajkumar says “as animals move in the night are vulnerable to road kills especially during night time when animals are on the move.   Having realised this we started a campaign with the help of Wildlife Trust of India and initiated a Rapid Action Project to minimize the carnage by speeding vehicles”.

Their concerted efforts through its project “Wildlife road kill in Bandipur” brought about a drastic change in modern wildlife conservation philosophy paving the way for reforming road ecology.  Their persistence paid off when night traffic was banned on NH 67 and 212 from 2010 following a historic decision by the Karnataka High court.  The matter is still challenged in the   Supreme Court and he has submitted various reports to the highest court in this regard.

Creating awareness

Catch them young seems to be the motto which Rajkumar adopted when it comes to involving more and more people in conserving our wildlife.  Rajkumar is therefore reaching out to high school and college students, who he feels should be sensitized to the issue.  He is therefore involving them in his conservation activity and has been conducting nature camps in schools and colleges of surrounding villages of Bandipur Tiger Reserve.  This activity has been going on for the last 10 years and Rajkumar says the response has been quite positive both from teachers and students.  Since forest fire is a major threat to our forests and wildlife WCF is organizing jathas and street plays to spread awareness on the need to prevent forest fires.

One may be tempted to ask how he is able to sustain himself now that he has sacrificed his career and his answer is not difficult to find.   It is commendable to note that   members of WCF provide for his needs.  “I have a responsibility and value for every rupee that is spent on me by people who willingly contribute when I need or ask for help. The members also trust me and have been very helpful in providing for all my needs”, states a grateful Rajkumar.

Another interesting aspect of Rajkumar is that his wife Usha who works in Bangalore also shares his fascination for wildlife conservation and is involved in some of the projects he undertakes.   Her constant support and encouragement helps him to dedicate his entire attention to the wildlife conservation cause which he diligently champions.

Rajkumar is an Honorary Wildlife Warden of Mysore and as representative of National Tiger Conservation Authority.   He continues his passion for Wildlife Conservation and Protection with virile determination and does not want  to rest till he is able to bring about drastic changes towards  our attitude for saving our wildlife.Rajkumar is grateful for the support  and financial help rendered  to WCF by Varchasvi Shankar and Srinivas of V2soft .  One has to salute the man for his sacrifice, the courage and the zeal with which he goes about his passion for wildlife conservation.


  1. congratulations..sir (mr.rajkumar sir) he is really great person..i proud that I have met and spent times with U sir.
    He is really mother hearted person..

  2. Congratulations Raja !!! Your life time dedication and passion to educate the population is remarkable. You make our childhood friends Prabhu, Das, Raj and I very proud. Keep up the good work.

    Dublin OH, USA

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