GDP to take Rs 15,000-20,000 crore hit from strike: ASSOCHAM


Bangalore, February 19, 2013: While sharing some of their concerns like rising prices,  ASSOCHAM appealed to the central trade unions to call off their two-day strike as the country’s economy will take a hit of big hit of Rs 15,000-20,000 crore from the nation-wide disruption in economic activity.

“The national economy, battling slowdown can ill-afford this situation. In fact, the strike would aggravate the price situation because of disruption in the supply line of essential commodities”, said Mr. Rajkumar Dhoot President ASSOCHAM.

Mr. Dhoot further said the strike would cripple mostly the services sector like banking, insurance and transport, besides the industrial production. Even the agriculture would be affected as the movement of vegetables, highly perishable items, would be disrupted.

The ASSOCHAM has estimated the national loss figures based on the daily erosion of about 30-40 per cent to the country’s Gross Domestic Production (GDP) for two days.  As per the Advanced estimates of the CSO, the national GDP for the current financial year is projected to be about Rs 95  lakh crore. In other words, it is Rs 26,000 crore per day and Rs 52,000 crore for two days.  Of this , the strike would take its toll on at least 30-40 per cent – Rs 15,000 crore-Rs 20, 000 crore.


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