Lucky Moon..!


enarada enarada


ENARADA, Bangalore, April 12, 2013:

Thousands of Hindus all over the country will be eager to watch moon on the second day of the new year- Yugadi. They believe that watching moon on Chaitra Shudda dwithiya will wade off all ill effects and bring them good luck.

But is that true..? Yes, says some scriptures. According to tenth skanda of  Srimad Bhagavatha one who watches moon on Ganesh-Chaturthi will become victim of false allegations. Watching moon on the Chaitra Shudda dwithiya (second day of hindu new year-Yugadi) will counter this ill effect and brings good luck.

Interestingly watching moon on the second day after the new moon is not so easy. Moon appears in the sky for only few hours after the sunset and visible only if the sky is clear.

Thanks to our lens men, here we bring those auspicious moment for those who could not watch the moon.  Have a look and be happy..!


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